We left Creston under very low overcast skies that stayed with us all
day. We rode north and east on low traffic county roads in various
states of repair. The countryside actually became flatter or maybe the
hills became gentler. Either way we didn't suffer the severe up and
down hills we had been riding for the last several days. After 50
miles we stopped for lunch in a small town with a bike path running
through it. We saw the first real bike riders since we left Abq.
Because the path ran on an old rail bed (thank you Rails to Trails) it
was flat and isolated. At times we rode through tunnels of trees -- we
felt like we were in the jungle. The path took us all of the way to
central Des Moines.
Yesterday a big storm in hit one area we rode to and there were many,
many trees tht had fallen and that were freshly cleaned up. We saw one
semi-truck trailer that had blown over, and the path was flooded at
times so we had to detour. Once we got to the downtown we were advised
by bilars to ride up the main drag of the city right past the capital.
The traffic was fine and the view grand. At this point we were quite
ready to stop but all of the hotels were full so we kept riding on
bike paths until we came to this town where all of the hotels were
full as well. Fortunately we found an empty spot put up our tent at
Adventureland. We think Adventureland is some sort of amusement park
but I have never been in such a packed and large "campground." Either
way its not well named but the showers were great.
Getting thru Des Moines was an adventure but we're certainly ready for
the country again tomorrow.
Ted, on Lamborginis, and inner city safaris: today was interesting in
that we rode through our first real forest. I also saw a Lamborgini
Countach sitting in a parking lot, with the owner nearby.
Unfortunately, the engine was unaccessable due to a complex hood
mechanism. *pout* so, after a few photos for proof, we headed on, and
soon got into the city at which point, we proceeded to wind through a
complex maze of winding, muddy and sometimes flooded paths. After a
few miles, the bike path was covered in large brolen branches, due to
a violent storm the night before. The path ended abruptly, dumping us
on the corner of a busy intersection. From there we navigated through
Des Moines, and we got to our campsite (Adventureland!) and promptly
ate and slept. But its sprinkling now, so g2g. Bye.
Mileage today: 102 miles in 8.5 hours total miles: 1,232